I am a psychologist and my vocation is to support patients throughout their process of change and self-realization, always in tune with the patient’s needs and values.
“Perhaps I was more responsible for my happiness than I allowed myself to be.”
Michelle Obama
My professional career began with specialized service for people with autism. I mainly worked with children and adolescents with serious behavioral problems. My cognitive-behavioral approach aimed to reduce these dysfunctional behaviors on the one hand, and to integrate new learning on the other. These improvements were only possible in close collaboration with the young person’s various living environments (family, doctors, school or residential center).
Then, I worked for several years with the Belgian Federal Police, one of the largest employers in Belgium. My patients then became adults and mainly police officers. I specialized in post-traumatic stress disorder, professional burnout, workplace harassment and working through suicidal crises.
Today, backed by years of clinical experience and continuing education, I work as a French-speaking psychologist and hypnotherapist in Barcelona. I offer online and face-to-face consultations. This new professional undertaking also satisfies my desire to live in another country.
My approach is always collaborative and integrative. I consider therapeutic relationships to be collaborative relationships. Patients know what is best for themselves and have within them the resources to achieve their goals. Thus, I support them throughout this active process of change, judgment free. Since people and situations are constantly in flux, my therapeutic tools adapt to different needs and accommodate different living environments.
Active listening, unconditional empathy and respect for professional secrecy are my guiding principles. They guarantee a therapeutic relationship based on trust, which drives implication and change.
Artemise — Centre Féminin and I support you in your process of change and in your own achievement!
Adresse des consultations:
Carrer del Bruc 88, 4-2, Barcelone
· English · French ·
Appointment upon request
€60 (1 hour, on average)
Also available online
You can find more information at :
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