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Our holistic coach is here to listen and offer guidance to collaboratively shape a professional support program according to your needs and aspirations.

Holistic coaching is a process in which the experts from Artemise listen to and guide you in shaping a personalized support program. Under the guidance of your coach, Florence Bacle, we bring together our various areas of expertise to provide you with a care program that is truly right for you, based on your needs and aspirations.

Do you feel like conventional medicine doesn’t support you?
Are you interested in exploring natural therapies but unsure which one meets your needs?
Do you feel the need, first and foremost, to feel listened to both physically and emotionally?

The natural therapies we offer are complementary to conventional medicine. They can provide a range of solutions, if used well. Holistic coaching gives a better understanding of these alternative therapies and helps you choose your own program, based on your needs and aspirations.


During your holistic coaching sessions, your coach Florence Bacle will be there to listen and offer guidance. She will shape your journey to health and awakening by taking into account all of the aspects that comprise a person, including emotional, mental, spiritual and physical attributes.


Your coach listens to you in order to present a personalized, welcoming and professional approach. She can help discover solutions for treating your pain, fatigue and daily stress that are simple and natural, yet effective.

Your coach welcomes LGBT+ clients with an open ear and mind. She takes this community’s unique needs into account to create a personalized care program.

Consultations are held at:

Artemise – Calle Caspe 127, A 3-3 – 08013 Barcelona

+34 611 56 33 56

· French · Spanish · English · German · 



Appointment upon request


Initial consultation: €80 (1 hour 30 minutes)

Follow-up consultation: €60 (1 hour)

Package of 6 sessions: €320 (6 x 1 hour)

Online consultation: €60






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