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A professional “friend” throughout pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period for you.

Midwives are specialists in normal pregnancy and birth, and are qualified to care autonomously for you as a pregnant woman and your babies throughout the antenatal period, during labor and birth, and for up to 6 weeks after the baby has been born.

 Votre sage-femme, Krishinda Powers-Duff, accomplit toutes ces tâches et va au-delà. Son rôle peut être clinique, mais inclut aussi une part importante d’aide personnelle et émotionnelle pour la mère en devenir. Elle est votre professionnelle bienveillante pendant la durée de la grossesse, mais aussi lors de la naissance et de la période postnatale. Les soins qu’elle propose sont personnalisés, individuels, et axés sur l’échange chaleureux, bienveillant et aimant. Sa formation médicale et son expérience font d’elle une professionnelle toute désignée

You are having questions and doubts regarding your pregnancy?

You want to get information and knowledge during your motherhood and beyond? 

You need to get support for your pregnancy, birth and postnatal period?

As an Homebirth specialized Midwife, Krishinda offers homebirth and all support you need for you and your baby: Birth education, Antenatal, Homebirth, Postnatal, Breastfeeding, Weaning and Sleep Support.

Consultations are held at:

Artemise – Calle Caspe 127, A 3-3 – 08013 Barcelona

+34 623 28 50 53

English, Spanish



Appointment on request

Pregnancy coaching consultation : 70 euros (1 hour)   Breastfeeding coaching first session :70 euros (1 hour)   Breastfeeding coaching consecutive sessions : 50 euros (1 hour)   Weaning support : 75 euros (1 hour)   Postnatal coaching and family sleep support : 90 euros (1 hour)   Full information on at-home services and pricing can be found at






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A professional “friend” throughout pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period for you.


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A professional “friend” throughout pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period for you.