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Coaching NLP

Our holistic coach is here to listen and offer guidance to collaboratively shape a professional support program according to your needs and aspirations.

Want to reduce anxiety, and connect with calm?

Want to transform your experience with negative self-talk and learn life skills for emotional and mental well-being?

Want to find the root of self-sabotaging behaviours and step into greater self-confidence?

Neuro Linguistic Programming, an art and a science, the codification of why we do what we do and how to create compelling change. How I use and teach NLP is with the emphasis that we are whole and complete already. This is not about ‘fixing’ though more about reconnecting to that authentic self within. Contrary to regular coaching, NLP dives in deep and creates change at an unconscious level. I see NLP as somewhere between coaching and hypnosis. The unconscious mind is the domain of the vast majority of our behaviour, if we only create change at a conscious level, that’s where self-sabotaging behaviours and failed goals come in. Combining different skills used in 1:1 sessions we can tend to mind, body and Soul – rewriting the story for lasting change and self-empowerment.

What you can expect… like coaching, there will be conversations to explore where you are, what’s not working and find practical steps forward for you. With the added bonus of guided visualisations or other NLP techniques to work with the unconscious mind to create change.

Consultation address:

Artemise – Calle Caspe 127, A 3-3 – 08013 Barcelona

+34 611 56 33 56

French, Spanish, English, German


Appointment upon request

CALM, CLARITY, CONFIDENCE: Introduction (This includes mp3 recordings to keep of any guided visualisations done in sessions and birth chart Pdf if Numerology is included) - Pack of 3 sessions (each 90 minutes): €300


For full information, podcast and events visit






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Coaching NLP

Our holistic coach is here to listen and offer guidance to collaboratively shape a professional support program according to your needs and aspirations.


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Coaching NLP

Our holistic coach is here to listen and offer guidance to collaboratively shape a professional support program according to your needs and aspirations.