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Strategic conversational hypnosis, taught at the Milton H. Erickson Institute in Belgium (IMHEB), is a collaborative and respectful technique, initially created to deal with painful trauma.

Strategic conversational hypnosis, taught at the Milton H. Erickson Institute in Belgium (IMHEB), is a collaborative and respectful technique, initially created to deal with painful trauma. The emphasis is on avoiding pain as much as possible and alleviating symptoms while the patient explores his or her memories, emotions and feelings.

The patient is an active participant throughout the session and will take back control by reclaiming ownership over the traumatic event. Meanwhile, the psychologist acts as a guide and ensure a safe and secure environment. The harmonious reassociation of trauma drives the brain to integrate the event into the patient’s life history. Because what hurts is not the past, it is what the past represents in our current lives.

“When you construct this inner reality for yourself, if only mentally at first, that is when you can get to where you want to be.”

Michelle Obama

Hypnosis is based on targeting a part of our brain that does not differentiate between the real and the imaginary. Thus, the imagination process, framed by the hypnotherapist at the beginning of the session, gives rise to real emotions and bodily sensations in real time. By promoting and training positive and restorative projections, we can also work on other day-to-day difficulties besides trauma (self-confidence, assertiveness, phobias, public speaking, etc.)

Consultation address:

Calle Caspe 127 A-3-3, 08013 Barcelona

· English · French · Spanish ·



Appointment upon request

First session: 
90 euros (1 hour 30 minutes) 

Subsequent session :
60 euros  (1 hour)

Also available online

You can find more information at:






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Strategic conversational hypnosis, taught at the Milton H. Erickson Institute in Belgium (IMHEB), is a collaborative and respectful technique, initially created to deal with painful trauma.


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Strategic conversational hypnosis, taught at the Milton H. Erickson Institute in Belgium (IMHEB), is a collaborative and respectful technique, initially created to deal with painful trauma.