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Client testimonials are invaluable for helping us to better communicate about your experiences as a woman—feel free to send us your own!
I absolutely loved Florence’s professional, instructive and comprehensive approach. She asks very professional questions, gives precise explanations and listens closely. I appreciated that she put me in touch with her network of experts to complement my treatment, when necessary.
Anne-Laure G.
Hi, I’m Louna B., a young patient that Florence treated. After my first acupuncture session, my body felt calmer and I improved a lot as the sessions went on. I had four sessions. I feel better and it was very...
Louna B.
I contacted Flor in my first trimester of pregnancy because of general discomfort, constant nausea and exhaustion. After the first session, I saw a huge change, and we did the same thing over two more sessions. Thanks to acupuncture and...
Cristina G.



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