Group 3


At Artemise, we like to meet you and invite you to meet those we love, those who teach us new things and those who open our hearts and minds. This is why we offer you a list of events that will certainly appeal to you.

And if you want more, of course let us know!

Group 4

Puertas Abiertas – Open Doors

  Do you struggle with anxiety, stress and negative thoughts? Want to learn useful tools for increased mental health and wellbeing?   ¿Buscas apoyo para ansiedad, estrés y pensamientos negativos? ¿Quieres aprender herramientas...



Do you struggle with anxiety, stress and negative thoughts?

Want to learn useful tools for increased mental health and wellbeing?


¿Buscas apoyo para ansiedad, estrés y pensamientos negativos?

¿Quieres aprender herramientas para tu bienestar y salud mental?


Join us for a nourishing day of exploration on how to connect to greater mental health and wellbeing. There will be many FREE talks and Q&A sessions from a wide range of experts offering their expertise, tools and support.


Some of the experts include… therapists, coaches, hypnotherapists, rebirthing experts, sound therapists, NLP trainers and so much more.



11.30H – 12.15H: Emma Bradford, NLP Trainer & Embodiment Coach. A Calmer You: Reduce anxiety & stress easily & effectively. Interactive workshop (EN)



10.30H – 12H: Martina Blazkova, Family Constellations. Taller de constelaciones en mini-grupo de 4 personas 30min x 3 (EN / ES)

12H – 13.30H: Erika Villanueva, Psychotherapy. First meeting / primera visita 20min x 4 (ES, EN, CAT, FR)

13.30H – 15H: Julien Moreau, Chinese Medicine. Valores del Tao con hierbas enfocado en la mente 30min x 3 (ES, EN, FR)



10.30H – 12H: Michelle Withhar, Holistic Massage. Soul massage demos 20min x 4 (EN, ES)

13H – 14.30H: Isabelle Magniny, Rebirthing. Demonstration 30min x 3 (FR, EN)



10.30H – 12H: Inés Mikati, Psychologue. Premiére visite 20min x 4 (FR, EN)

13H – 14.30H: Emma Bradford, Numerología. Tu clave personal para encontrar más BIENESTAR. Demo 15min x 5 (EN, ES)



Snacks and drinks will be provided. Pica pica y bebidas incluidos.


Event Details

Date: 18/01/2025

Start time: 10:30 CET

End time: 15:30 CET

Venue: Artemise Centre Feminin, calle casp 127, 3-3A


Group 4

Gift Voucher – Bono Regalo

Gift Voucher of €60 for any service at Artemise.   Bono Regalo de €60 para cualquier servicio de Artemise.  


Gift Voucher of €60 for any service at Artemise.


Bono Regalo de €60 para cualquier servicio de Artemise.




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