Group 3
Fill 2


For millennia, baby massage has been part of daily life for a large number of civilizations. There are multiple benefits for both the baby and the parents.

In reality, baby massage (also known as Shantala) begins naturally in the womb during pregnancy and intensifies during birth.

Massaging your baby is a wonderful moment that allows you to communicate, share love, build trust, nurture your bond and construct a sense of underlying security.

It allows the baby to develop a range of new bodily sensations and a sense of security, all while helping the baby discover the limits of his or her own body. This method allows parents to better understand the needs of their baby, which are sometimes difficult to interpret.

Baby massage regulates their sleep and stimulates the digestive, respiratory and nervous systems. It allows newborns to enter life gently by prolonging the reassuring and soothing contact they experienced during gestation.

Consultation address:

Artemise – Calle Caspe 127, A 3-3 – 08013 Barcelona

+34 638 17 15 35

· French · Spanish ·  English ·



Appointment upon request


Session: €90 (1 hour 30 minutes)


Online consultation: €65 (1 hour)


Pack Offer – Book 4 receive 1 free: €325



Group 4
I hold a degree in haptonomy, providing affective preparation for childbirth. Since 2010, I have supported hundreds of couples and babies on...



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