Osteopathy is a holistic manual therapy, which means that the osteopath sees the patient in his physical, psychological and emotional whole.
The body is considered as a whole, each part interacting with the others. For this reason, great importance is given to the patient’s history and previous injuries or illnesses that may have created an imbalance in the body.
The body has a great capacity for adaptation, and always tends towards health. The osteopath seeks to release blockages and restrictions in the body, to help it regain its balance and restore homeostasis (the body’s ability to self-regulate).
Osteopathic treatment consists of treating dysfunctions of mobility of the spine, joints, muscular system, viscera, skull. It seeks to recover body balance, reactivating itself-healing mechanisms with various therapeutic techniques: joint and muscle manipulations, functional, visceral and cranial techniques.
Osteopathic treatment consists of treating dysfunctions of mobility of the spine, joints, muscular system, viscera, skull. It seeks to recover body balance, reactivating itself-healing mechanisms with various therapeutic techniques: joint and muscle manipulations, functional, visceral and cranial techniques.
Each treatment is unique and a personal approach is always followed. Osteopathy tries to understand the dysfunctions of the human body in a logical way, providing an explanation for each dysfunction.
To achieve this, an osteopathic diagnosis of the patient is made, which allows determining the causes that produce the injury or the problem. Osteopathy does not only treat the symptom (pain) but goes deeper, delving into correcting the origin of the problem.
Consultation address:
Artemise – Calle Caspe 127, A 3-3 – 08013 Barcelona
French, English, Spanish
Appointment upon request
Adult session (1 hour): €60
Child/baby session (1 hour): €50
See all the details of the services at mariedelage.com
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