Group 3
Fill 2

Women’s Circle

Long for community, connection and sisterhood?

Curious about feminine archetypes, cycles and what can help you embrace your body and emotions with more self-tenderness?

Want to dive in deeper connecting with yourself, your body and who you are as a woman?

There’s something powerful and healing when women gather in circle and share from the heart… not just at an individual level for emotional well-being, though also at a group and collective level for a profound impact on the world. Empowering, heart opening women’s gatherings where each month we reflect on a different topic to share, learn, grow and inspire each other. A safe place to connect, be held and learn from other women, be heard in your expression and enter the sacred balance of giving and receiving in community.

What you can expect… sitting in circle, there will be a welcome introduction, embodiment practice, the opportunity to share drinks, snacks and words from the heart, ending with an NLP guided visualisation to create balance and harmony within the unconscious mind.

Benefits… receive support, monthly space to recharge and reconnect with yourself and other women, feel inspired hearing other shares, learn embodiment practices to reconnect to the internal wisdom of your body and intuition, experience guided visualisations to work with the unconscious mind… and more.

Adresse des consultations:

Artemise – Calle Caspe 127, A 3-3 – 08013 Barcelona

+34 622 69 86 73

Anglais, Espagnol



RDV sur demande

Quand : le troisième jeudi de chaque mois, 18h30-20h30

Tarif : 20 €, ou seulement 15 € en réservant à l'avance


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Women’s Circle


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Women’s Circle