After years of balancing auto-pilot with fight or flight, I felt burned-out and extremely out of place. It was time to take full responsibility for my own life and take back my power!
In one year I left my unhealthy relationship behind as well as my job that did not highlight my gift or talent and started studying again, which led me to find my Dharma, my life ́s purpose. Not only that, I also prioritized reconnecting to my body and went on a sometimes challenging, sometimes beautiful, but always worth it journey of self-acceptance.
From having felt a natural curiosity to helping people but not quite knowing how, to being part of Artemise with a clear mission to support women’s wellbeing, has been a dream come true for me!
Today, I am able to hold a safe space for you based on my personal experiences and certifications as a IAPC&M Trauma Informed Mindfulness + Life Coach, Breathwork & Meditation facilitator, Quiromassage Therapist and offering a Conscious Workshops Series.
All offerings from Mindfulness Life Coaching to Soul Massage have been created for you to enjoy a mindful moment and temporarily close the doors to the rest of the world. And to experience the calm, space and safety needed to tune in with your body and enjoy a mental vacation.
Artemise – Centre Feminin and me are looking forward to accompanying you on your walk back home to yourself.
Consultation address:
Artemise – Calle Caspe 127, A 3-3 – 08013 Barcelona
English, Spanish, Dutch
Appointment upon request
Individual Soul Coaching: 60€ (1 hour)
Regular Soul Coaching: 50€ (1 hour) (for 1, 3 or 6 months)
Soul Massage: 60 € (1 hour)
Holistic massage with aromatherapy (for those who feel grounded already and want to enjoy a massage only): 50 € (1 hour)
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