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Postpartum Massage

Postpartum is a very special period in a woman’s life, after nine months of incubating her baby in her belly, she suddenly finds herself with the baby in her arms, beside herself and yet still so dependent.

All eyes are now on this wonderful baby and the mother, in the midst of a hormonal decline, needs attention, gentleness and composure more than ever.

The postpartum massage is a timeless moment to take stock of these past months, honor this mother who gave birth, allow her to tame the contours of her new body through a body massage from head to toes! The session ends with a tightening of the pelvis using rebozos, some long Mexican fabrics. A comforting tightening for the body, which gives the signal of the end of womb opening.

This postpartum massage does not replace the closing ritual which goes much deeper into the emotional and which can be considered during the baby’s first year or even after.

Address of consultations:

Artemise – Calle Caspe 127, A 3-3 – 08013 Barcelona

+34 638 17 15 35

French, Spanish, Catalan




For more information, you can find more details at






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Postpartum Massage


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Postpartum Massage