Group 3
Fill 2


We tend to rush through our daily lives at 100 miles per hour even pregnant. We forget how important it is to take time for yourself, to connect with your baby and to honor your body, which is preparing itself to bring life into the world. That’s what you get by treating yourself to a prenatal massage.

Prenatal massage is a full body massage. It relieves tension, muscle and joint pain, heavy legs and other daily discomforts of a pregnant mother, while preparing the body for postpartum and breastfeeding.

Before each prenatal massage, we conduct an interview to take into account the specificities of each pregnancy.

The massage is conducted with organic, cold-pressed vegetable oils to hydrate the skin with complete safety.

The icing on the cake is that this massage releases a hormone called oxytocin in the mother, often called the “love hormone”. More good news: This happiness hormone is transmitted to the baby via the placenta. Don’t pass up good news like this! Some say that a good massage is equivalent to a night’s sleep. We recommend filling up on this as much as possible before the tough nights arrive!

Adresse des consultations:

Artemise – Calle Caspe 127, A 3-3 – 08013 Barcelona

or at your home

+34 638 17 15 35

· French · Spanish · Catalan ·


Appointment upon request

For more information, you can find more details at



Group 4
I hold a degree in haptonomy, providing affective preparation for childbirth. Since 2010, I have supported hundreds of couples and babies on...



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