I am over 60 years old and even if we gain experience with age, after 60, we avoid counting…
I started to become passionate about traditional acupuncture at the age of 24. I am today
a confirmed acupuncturist. However, I had a big fear of needles!
Since my youth, I have studied other therapy techniques that I have used myself… Firstly, I learned the technique of “rebirth” which is a Regression through breathing. Since I have been practicing Regression, I know that karma exists because I found myself in another body, in another life!
Then, I studied Traditional Western Astrology, which, linked to Acupuncture, allows us to identify the conditions in which we were born and grew up.
In the past, a doctor also had to be an astrologist! I have followed this path (for over 20 years)
first for the predictive side and finally for the medical aspect. I offer it at the first session in order to determine the karmic nodes and the vital/health potential.
As my teacher said: “Illness sets in when physical or psychological circulation is blocked! »
Artemise – Centre Feminin and I unite our strengths so that our major satisfaction is your well-being!
Consultation address:
Artemise – Calle Caspe 127, A 3-3 – 08013 Barcelona
French, English, Spanish
Appointment upon request
First consultation : 80 euros (1h30)
Consultation : 60 euros (1 hour)
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